Zen Yoga Daily Warm-Up DVD

The Zen Yoga Daily Warm-Up is a 20-minute journey of breathing, stretching, and movement designed to simplify the process of maintaining health, enhancing happiness, encouraging relaxation and promoting stress relief. This dvd meets you where you are at, regardless of age, skill level or health status.

The Zen Yoga Daily Warm-up is a simple program that will instill healthy lifestyle habits in a short time without the motivational challenges associated with normal exercise programs. It is perfect for both the beginner and the advanced practitioner.

$20 USD + 5.00 shipping

This video was one of the first steps I took on my path to becoming a better me. At first it was 20 minutes where can I fit that into my day? Now, it is 20 minutes and then the rest of my day can take place. This video helped me realize what a difference simple stretches and breathing can make in my life. I am more alert to my surroundings and notice the simple things in life that I had taken for granted for so long. I no longer feel my carpal tunnel pain, and have a better perspective on what is truly important in life. My chronic neck and shoulder pain have all but disappeared.Andrea Itzo

A lovely combination of Qigong and Yoga movements. At 20 minutes for the main program, it is perfect as a morning routine. Great for grounding and energizing. It has also managed to get me breathing better during the day  –  quite habit forming! – Alice Moore

With beautiful music by Tarshito, Aaron Hoopes carefully talks you through the basic routines you should practice daily, along with careful demonstrations, which reflect the benefits of the Art. Along with the physical demonstrations and the careful narration by Hoopes, you also have the option of listening to just the music, which works wonderfully once you’re into the routine of daily stretching. All of the daily routines are very basic, but involve deep effective breathing and stretching, which undoubtedly enhances agility, flexibility and relaxation. Not quite so easy are the advanced moves, also terrifically demonstrated by Hoopes, which include the Scorpion, Extended wheel and the terrifying Leg Capture (Which I haven’t even attempted yet because of fear – but I do declare that I will get there eventually). Such complexities are then wonderfully balanced with the silk reeling exercises, which resemble the movements of Tai Chi. This I found totally relaxing and exceptionally soothing. – Mark Thompsom, The Shotokan Way

Format: Color, Digital Sound, Full Screen, NTSC
Region: Region 1 (US & Canada only)
OUTSIDE USA & CANADA REGIONS – Please download the VCL Media Player Available here –  http://www.videolan.org/vlc/

Contact us for discounts of up to 50% off on wholesale purchases

This is the ideal program for massage therapists, chiropractors and holistic health practitioners to offer their clients and patients.

$20 USD + 5.00 shipping

Please send a check to:

Zen Yoga, 1152 North Rd., Vershire, VT 05079








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